As a form of complementary therapy, kinesiology is based on the principle that energy runs through the body along meridians or ‘channels’, all of which correspond to particular organs or part of the  body. If this energy is free-flowing and balanced, the individual remains in good health. However if it becomes blocked, impaired or imbalanced, then mental, emotional or physical stress follow.

At its simplest, kinesiology tests a range of muscles that provide ‘feedback’ about the balance and flow of energy within the body. If a particular muscle is ‘weak’, different techniques will be applied to correct the imbalance until the muscle responds as ‘strong’, indicating that the balance of energy in the body has been restored. 

Kinesiology can support people who have chronic conditions that may not have benefited from conventional medicine. It can also be helpful to those who are lacking confidence, are stressed or anxious due to a variety of factors eg: work/life imbalances, a forthcoming event, such as exams, job interviews or sporting events.

I tailor each session to every client, based on the person’s individual needs. Kinesiology uses a range of different techniques in any one session including gentle pressure to work specific reflex points on the head, body or feet;  suggesting addition or deletion of food types or supplements; emotional stress release; visualisation and positive goal setting.